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St Augustine

Of Canterbury

C of E Primary School

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Faithfulness (Year 1) Class

Welcome to Faithfulness class,


My name is Mr Oxford and I am the Year 1 class teacher.  Our in class, support is expertly given by Mrs Williams.

We are looking forward to supporting your child during this academic year, to help them evolve into an independent, passionate and imaginative learner.




Every day we use Oxford Owl to teach the phonic sounds that the children need to become confident readers and writers.


Along side of this we also teach literacy from a selection of highly regarded texts that promote questioning, making predictions based on what they can see and examples of good quality story telling.


This half term we will be reading 'The Secret Sky Garden' by Linda Sarah and Fiona Lumbers. It is about a little girl called Funni who creates an amazing garden on a rooftop car park. Zoo spots this garden from an plane and decided he needs to visit the garden. A very special relationship soon develops between the two.


We will then be using the story to develop our understanding of information texts.





The children will be working to learn their 2x table, 5x table and 10x table, so these are learnt off-by-heart. We have also started to share the 3x tables with the children. We are learning about place value again but this time extending it up to 100! We will also be reviewing some of the topics we have covered this year to help the children have the best start on their journey into Year 2.


Please make sure that your child is using the TTRockstars app to work on their times tables. The better their knowledge of times tables the easier many areas of maths become.


If children would like to work on these skills at home, they can go onto these websites to support their learning:



All pupils are expected to read, or be read to, for at least 10 minutes every night and a comment written in their reading record book, along with your signature. Please ensure their reading book and reading record are in school everyday. We will change books every Thursday.

Please support your child's reading by asking them questions about what they have read/you have read, as this will ensure their understanding of the text. 

To help secure their phonics knowledge, these sites are helpful:


Teaching Safeguarding/ How to be safe

In Year 1, we are using Purple Mash as our computing scheme of work. 'Being safe online' is a key part of the learning and is covered in all of the units as we teach them. This include learning about what to do if we see something that makes us uncomfortable, why we keep our passwords private and who we should talk to if something is worrying us, especially online.

If you would like to watch a short video with your child about how to stay safe online, have a look at the CEOP video link below.




Homework is set on Wednesday or Thursday. The children will be set number work alongside phonics. In addition, occasional topic work to support them in their in class learning. 


Each piece of homework is an opportunity for your child to share their learning with you. Please make sure their work is completed in line with the high expectations of the school. 


Please return homework by the following Wednesday. 


Spellings and Times Tables

Spellings will be undertaken each week and children will be expected to learn these, as they will be quizzed each Thursday.



PE is on a Thursday Afternoon . Please ensure that your child arrives to school wearing their PE kit and that earrings are removed.


Children must wear appropriate PE kit - white top with black shorts or tracksuit bottoms with plimsolls or trainers and school jumper for each lesson. This half term your child will be looking at 'Dance skills' within the theme of 'growing'.  which involves altering movement to different types of music, showing different stages of plant growth and assessing short dance sequences of peers.


Jumpers and book bags

Please can you ensure that your child's name is written on their school jumper, to ensure we are able to return lost and found jumpers to the correct child.  In addition your child is required to bring their book bag everyday.


We look forward to working with you and your child this term.


Working with parents

We have had several parental engagement mornings this year. Our latest one was a practical challenge - who could design the best egg protector! The parents and children worked together using recycled materials and had an hour to design and make their packaging, then we dropped them! Who's survived?'ll have to ask your children!






