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St Augustine

Of Canterbury

C of E Primary School

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Google Classroom


What is Google Classroom?

This is a virtual learning environment for pupils to enable them to access their learning from home.  Primarily we aim to use Google Classroom for homework, however, should your child need to self-isolate, Google Classroom will be used to set work for them to complete at home.

Many pupils will be encouraged to use Google Classroom as a resource to assist them both in the classroom and at home.  Teachers can use Google Classroom to send announcements to entire classes, share resources, course notes, Powerpoints, diagrams and, of course, homework. 

Parents can use some of the features of Google Classroom to help engage with and support pupils in their home study.  It is a free resource that can be accessed from any device connected to the internet – laptops, desktop computers, Chromebooks, tablets or mobile phones.


Accessing Google Classroom

Pupils can access Google Classroom using the mobile apps (Android and IOS) or via a web browser by visiting  They should sign in using the username and password that has been provided by the school, as well as the class code.


Accessing Resources:

If pupils are accessing Google Classroom from a mobile device, they should download appropriate Google Apps to make best use of the shared resources.  The most useful Google Apps are: Classroom Calendar, Docs, and Drive.  If pupils set up a Google account on their mobile device, their homework due dates, reminders and announcements will be available directly in their calendar and email.
