Sports Premium
Evaluation of the academic year 2023-2024:
Total amount of Sports Premium received £17,670
Total amount spent £17,670
Carried forward £0
How the money was spent:
Maintain the level of external PE clubs for all children.
Musical Theatre = £1904,
Gymnastics = £1784
Football = £8826
Street Dance = £1716
Multi-sports = £1350
Total cost = £15,580
To maintain (and expand as required) the physical PE equipment resources for the school = £1,850
Joined the Youth Sport Trust to provide support of staff development = £240
This has resulted in:
A greater confidence of teaching staff in planning and delivering high quality PE lessons.
A deeper understanding of the expectations of the Primary PE curriculum, including a focus on fitness and health.
Improved assessments of pupils’ skills and development in PE.
Increased participation in PE and Sport, including links to local clubs and organisations. The take-up and enjoyment of the range of clubs offered by the school has increased significantly. This is largely due to the subsidising of sports club provision which the school offers to families, provided through the Sports Premium.
Meeting requirements for swimming and water safety.
What percentage of year six pupils could swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres when they left primary school at the end of last academic year? |
54% |
What percentage of year 6 pupils could use a range of strokes effectively when they left primary school at the end of last academic year? |
81% |
What percentage of year 6 pupils could perform self-rescue in different water based situations when they left primary school at the end of last academic year. |
81% |