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School Logo

St Augustine

Of Canterbury

C of E Primary School

Contact Details


Reception Admissions

As we are an academy school, we are responsible for writing our own admissions policy, and ensuring that our over-subscription criteria is applied accurately.  As we are over-subscribed every year for our Reception classes, we strongly advise you to familiarise yourself with this criterion before applying.  You will then be able to complete the application form, and supplementary form, and also submit the correct evidence.


Applications for reception are generally made online via Bexley Admissions or through paper copies available from Bexley Council, School Admissions.  You must also complete our Trinitas Supplementary Information Form which can be downloaded from the link above. 

Please also see attached links for Bexley Admissions for information on applying for Primary Schools.


Message to Parents

Starting Primary School


The published admission number of the school is 30.


Children are admitted to the Reception Class in the school year after their fourth birthday.  All children will be admitted to the Reception Class in September.  Parents may ask to defer the admission of their child until later in the school year or for their child to attend part time provided that every child is attending full time by the start of the term after their fifth birthday.  Parents wishing to defer are invited to discuss that decision with the Principal.


Applications for admission to the reception class will be coordinated by the London Borough of Bexley.  Decisions on allocations against the criteria are made by the Admissions Panel of the Governing Body. Queries about the Admissions Policy should be addressed to the Chair of Governors, via the School.


Applications for admission are welcomed from all parents who may wish their children to be considered for a place at St Augustine of Canterbury C of E Primary School.  Applications for the reception class must be made on the common application form or online for the local authority in which the family lives.  Any parent wishing to apply using criteria d and e (outlined in the Admissions Policy above) must also submit a supplementary information form (SIF) to the school.  Both forms must be received by the published closing date.  The SIF is available from the school or can be downloaded and must be accompanied by the child’s birth certificate and your current council tax (original documents) or lease agreement.

