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School Logo

St Augustine

Of Canterbury

C of E Primary School

Contact Details


Kindness (Year 4) Class

Welcome to Kindness Class with Mrs Morgan


Hello and welcome to our class page! My name is Mrs Morgan (although some of you may know me as Miss Finch) and we will be working with Mrs Flores and Mrs Sheaky. Please find below some key information for you and your children in Year 4.



Year 4 will be working towards their statutory times table test in June '25. Pupils must be able to recall all times tables in under 3 seconds to meet National expectations. Please support your child in learning these. We will be going daily practice of this in school but we would love for all pupils to access TT RockStars at home. 



Children are expected to read at home every day.  They are responsible for bringing their reading record and their reading book to school every day and for changing their book when necessary. Please support your child’s reading every day for 15 minutes and help them to record this in their reading record. Reading can be done on Oxford Reading Buddy or with a physical book. Please sign the reading record every time you hear your child read.


In class, we will exploring a new book this half term called The Boy At The Back Of The Class by Onjali Q.Rauf. We will be focusing on using this book to inspire our newspaper articles.





This will be given on Friday each week and will be expected back by Wednesday the following week.  Spelling for the upcoming week will be stuck into reading records on Friday and tested on Thursday.

Homework will be set in their pink homework books. It will usually be a multiplication practice, Literacy and Maths task. Sometimes it may also be topic based.



Swimming will take place on Mondays. Please send your child in on swimming days with their swimming kit in their bags. Please wear PE kit on swimming days and remember to remove earrings before swimming and PE days.


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further information or have any questions!





Year 4 - End of Year Writing Expectations
