Message from the Principal
Welcome to St Augustine of Canterbury Cof E Primary School
from Mr Alexander-Smale, Principal
St Augustine of Canterbury is a school guided by and based upon Christian ethos and principles, committed to the education of the whole child. We provide a broad, rich and deep curriculum with creative and real-life contexts providing the stimulus to engage children in quality experiences. We strive to achieve high academic standards for all children. We provide every opportunity for children to develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally. We believe this is best achieved through teaching and learning that is engaging, innovative and personalised to children’s needs.
We promote learning both in and out of school. Our inspiring curriculum provides a programme of educational visits to ensure every class undertakes an outing either in to the local community or further afield every half-term. We provide a range of co-curricular activities and experiences to ensure children gain the opportunities to develop personally, socially and academically. We have a very close relationship with our community, including the parish of St Augustine’s Church.
St Augustine of Canterbury C of E Primary School is part of Trinitas Multi Academy Trust, which comprises one secondary school, one special school and five primaries. These are: Trinity C of E Secondary School, Cornerstone School, Christ Church (Erith) C of E Primary School, Northwood Primary School, St Paul's (Slade Green) Primary School and Jubilee Primary School. Trinitas provides innovative strategic leadership for all these learning communities and strives to achieve outstanding outcomes for all its pupils.