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School Logo

St Augustine

Of Canterbury

C of E Primary School

Contact Details


Peace (Year 3) Class

Hello, my name is Mrs Austin-Harris and I am so excited to be teaching your child this year.

Year 3 will be an extremely important year for your child as they are starting to gain more independence being in KS2.  Our Year 3 team is made up of myself (Mrs Austin-Harris), Miss Wilmot and Miss Sheaky, who are really excited to inspire and teach your child. We want their learning to be engaging, relevant and memorable whilst learning the key skills and knowledge needed to complete the Year 3 curriculum.


In this Summer term, our class text is 'The Tin Forest', an inspiring and thought provoking text about recycling and making the world a better  place. This brilliant text will help children explore narratives and character descriptions. For details about the related curricular activities, see the Medium Term Plan.



Spellings and Times Tables will be undertaken each week and children will be expected to learn them and will be tested on them every Tuesday (Spellings). Please encourage your child to use the words given in sentences. This will help them use the words in context and also practice the spellings.  Children should practice their timestables on the TTRS (Timestable Rockstars)




Children are expected to read at home every day. Please sign the reading record every day. Children need to bring their reading record and their class reading book to school every day. We will change books every Thursday. Please support your child’s reading every day for 15 minutes and help them to record this in their reading record. Kindly sign and date the records in the book. Alternatively, children can access books via the 'Oxford Reading Buddy' website. 



This will be given on Fridays each week and will be expected to be completed by Thursday the following week. It will usually be a Literacy and Maths task. Sometimes it may also be topic based. Each task should not take longer than 30 minutes to complete.  



PE is on Wednesdays. Therefore, please ensure that earrings are removed on PE days due to safeguarding. Children must wear the appropriate PE kit – white top with black or red bottom to school on Tuesdays. They need to wear the school jumper as well.


My team and I are very delighted to start exploring and learning these new topics with your child, as we work together to develop and improve the skills they have acquired.



