Pupil Premium & Free School Meals
The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is an allocation of funding provided to schools to support children who may be vulnerable to underachievement. The amount received is dependent on the number of children who are known to be eligible for free school meals or have been at any time over the last six years. All schools are required to report on the amount of funding and how this is being used.
Number of Pupils eligible | 63 |
Amount of PPG per pupil | £1,429 |
Total amount of PPG in budget | £90,025 |
Number of Pupils eligible | 57 |
Amount of PPG per pupil | £1,345 |
Total amount of PPG in budget | £76,665 |
Number of Pupils eligible | 57 |
Amount of PPG per pupil | £1,345 |
Total amount of PPG in budget | £76,665 |
Number of Pupils eligible | 56 |
Amount of PPG per pupil | £1,320 |
Total amount of PPG in budget | £73,920 |
Number of pupils eligible | 57 |
Amount of PPG per pupil | £1,320 |
Total amount of PPG recieved | £75,240 |
The funding received from Pupil Premium is utilised in the following ways:
We are using Pupil Premium Grant to enable the school leadership to develop our Curriculum, in order to ensure every opportunity is taken to improve pupil engagement and achievement. Enrichment activities are partly subsidised by PPG such as whole school events, visits, clubs, residential trips and visitors.
We are investing in Teaching Assistants through recruitment and CPD to provide tailored support in addressing the needs of individual pupils. This is aimed at closing the gaps in their learning and raising attainment, thus ensuring that disadvantaged children make at least good progress, in line with their peers.
Tailored support includes:
- Small group targeted teaching of synthetic phonics and early reading through the “Read, Write, Inc.” programme.
- Targeted “catch-up” literacy and maths intervention for all pupils.
- Targeted 1:1 and group intervention to address underachievement through our “second tier” provision (2TP).
- Targeted intervention to address specific difficulties e.g. motor co-ordination.
- Targeted 1:1 mentoring support.
Investment has been made to ensure that staff, including Teaching Assistants, are highly trained in delivering quality, proven, intervention programmes, such as Toe by Toe Reading programme (1:1), BLAST (Speech and language), Jump Ahead (coordination), Sensory Circuit, therapeutic play and social skills.
Learning Mentor
The school has invested in a learning Mentor to support children in removing any barriers to their learning.
Safeguarding and Family Liaison Officer
The school employs a Safeguarding & Family Liaison Officer to support pupils and families with their social, emotional and academic needs. This is jointly funded through the Pupil Premium Grant and the school budget.
Educational Visits
Every class undertakes an educational visit once per half-term (6 per year). Pupil Premium Grant is used to subsidise the cost to parents to ensure disadvantaged pupils have equal access to all learning and enrichment opportunities