Gentleness (Year 2) Class
Hello. My name is Miss Attoh and I am so pleased to be your child’s class teacher.
Year 2 is an extremely important year, as the children finish their time in Key Stage 1. Therefore, my supporting TA, Miss Dunster and I, aim to take your beloved child through an exciting learning journey. Together, we hope to embed and further develop your child’s understanding of the skills and knowledge required to be achieved by the end of Year 2; through planned fun activities.
In this second Autumn term, our class text is The robot and the bluebird, which is Beautifully illustrated story about a robot whose broken heart is healed by the companionship of a little bluebird. We will also read Zerefa Geraffa . This is the astonishing true story of Zeraffa, a giraffe who was sent as a gift from Egypt to France in 1826. A young boy, Atir, takes care of Zeraffa on her epic journey and the sailors sing songs as she gazes down at them.
For details about the related curricular activities, see the medium term plan attached.
Spellings and Times Tables will be undertaken each week and children will be expected to learn them and will be tested on them every Friday. Please encourage your child to use the words given in sentences. This will help them use the words in context and also practice the spellings. Children need to practice the 2,5- and 10-times tables.
Children are expected to read at home every day. Kindly sign and date sign the reading record every time you hear your child read. Also, write the pages you heard that your child read in the reading records. This will help us know when that your child has completed reading that book. We will change the book once your child is able to express understanding of what has been read. Please support your child’s reading every day for 15 minutes and help them to record this in their reading record.
This will be given on Fridays each week and will be expected to be completed by Tuesday the following week. It will usually be a Literacy and Mathematics task. Sometimes it may also be topic based. Each task should not take longer than 30 minutes to complete.
PE is on Wednesdays. please ensure that earrings are removed on PE days due to safeguarding. Children must wear the appropriate PE kit – white top with black or red bottom to school on Tuesdays. They need to wear the school jumper as well.
Miss Dunster and I look forward to continue working with you, in our aspirations to help your child achieve excellence.
Miss Attoh
Year 2 - End of Year Writing Expectations
Medium Term Plans