Red V-neck sweatshirt or cardigan plain or with logo White polo shirt Black skirt or pinafore or black trousers Black School shoes (not trainers) Red/white checked dress (for summer wear) Black tailored short trousers (for summer wear) Red School book bag plain or with logo |
PE Kit White t-shirt plain or with logo Red or Black shorts Black or White Trainers Plain Black Tracksuit
Uniform is available from Casey's, Blackfen Road, Sidcup and also online through www.caseysschoolwear.co.uk. Items ordered online can be delivered to school for parents/carers to collect free of charge. Please see leaflet below.
There is also a second hand school uniform shop in Bexleyheath where you can purchase school uniform with prices starting from 50p. Please see leaflet below.
Children must wear sensible flat black shoes - no trainers, flip-flops, open toed sandals, crocs, ballet pumps, sling backs, boots or similar styles. This is for safety, especially on the playground and stairs.
Children are expected to come to school dressed sensibly according to the weather and wear a coat unless it is hot.
For our youngest children in Reception and Year 1, we request that a change of underwear is kept in school in case of ‘accidents’.
The wearing of jewellery is discouraged for safety reasons and the school admits no liability for jewellery that is lost or broken in school. It is preferred that children do NOT wear earrings but children with pierced ears may wear stud earrings that they can take out or cover for PE. This is to ensure that ears are not damaged. Pupils must not wear false nails or varnish. Hair styles should be conservative. Hair bows should be red or black.